Archon - web application framework

iVersant put a decade of web development experience into their own customized open-source web application framework, Archon. Archon contains a library of best-practices which enabled iVersant to deliver quality web applications in record time... over and over again.

Archon is a lightweight, high-speed MVC, PHP, MySQL framework which includes straight-forward approaches to database abstraction and application layout. Leveraging industry-standard libraries like Apache's mod_rewrite and javascript/ajax jQuery allows Archon to be run in the most widely available hosting environments.

Client: iVersant.
Programming language: PHP.
Javascript library: jQuery.
Architectures: MVC, AJAX.
In production : Numerous locations.
Time for core product development: Six years.
Main features:

  • Simple, well-configured MVC framwork for rapid development.
  • Elimination of DAO layer in favor of secure, quick, easily created SQL queries.
  • Provides functions for html/view display.
  • mod_rewrite provides SEO/user-friendly addresses.
  • Integrated authentication, role-based authorization and session management.
  • Secured from common hacking vulnerabilities including SQL and PHP injection techniques.
  • PHP object libraries for common functions such as mailing, image uploading and manipulation, and web scraping.